‘Best Guess’ – Google’s New Search Feature

GOOD NEWS googlers !!! Google has launched their new feature called the ‘Best Guess’. Lets check it out !!

Many a time, it happens that you haven’t got what you searched for. You searched for something and you got something else…

Google found the solution. They call their solution – “Best Guess”

With this feature, you can easily and accurately get what you exactly need…

As soon as you hit Enter, Google shows you the most accurate answer on top of the search results.

I have googled following:

1. Google CEO

2. Wipro CEO


This feature really customizes your search. You don’t have to click on any other link or go to other page. I think Google follows the rule – “If you have too much of options, you’ll get confused. Better to be with one or two.”

Although it gives you the most accurate answer, it doesn’t works well with query containing more than two or three words. This feature is yet under development but it will be figured out by Google.

ENJOY SEARCHING. See you next time… : )

Courtesy: http://www.techexplorer.in/2011/04/best-guess-google-searchs-new-feature/